Since you’re ‘down with the kids’ you don’t need me to tell you that YOLO stands for ‘You Only Live Once’! This millennial-popular saying perfectly sums up the selfie culture of ticking off your bucket list, camera in one hand, tube map in the other! So, here’s five essential attractions every tourist should tick off during a visit to the capital.
Photography Street Photography Travel Guides
20 Photos that Perfectly Describe Portobello Road Market
A woman playing reggae songs on her ukulele, tourists buying artisan bread, a market trader selling bags as vibrant as the colour of her dreadlocks, and a Dad giving his son a piggyback through the streets. These are just some of the characters you’ll find when you take a trip to Portobello Road market.
London is often described as a melting pot of people, and there’s no greater place where these worlds collide than Portobello Road market.